Tuesday, December 15, 2015

new things

For this couple of months after graduating, I have been facing so many new experiences that I never had before. I really wanna make the list for that experiences here but to think that the time I am writing this entry is working hour so you know.

    But lets focus on the latest one. From marine biologist to veterinary. What I'm gonna do? From dealing with marine organism to land one. Actually from what world the animal are coming from are not the problem. It is the matter of sensitivity in term of religion. That is very challenging one. Imagine that I need to touch one whole big dog. Of course wearing glove lol. Oh my God, yeah, that's what I said by the first time I saw them. Scared hell of shit of me. But by a week my feeling started to change towards them . By them I meant the dog and other kinda animals. Started to feel, yes I was born biologist. But who know what is coming up next. I am looking forward to that. That's the spirit! The best part of this job is they needed me to travel a lot. Visiting other veterinarians. 5 days working which mean 5 days travel. Never spend my time more than 10 minutes in the office. No need to concern about the fuel and toll, all covered. And you know what? I can't wait for the next year outstation, I'M GOING TO KOREA!

So basically here is my plot of ambition lol:
Primary school is a doctor. Secondary school is a lecturer in biology field. Matriculation is a reseacher/geneticist/biologist. In university I manage to accomplish matriculation's ambition as a researcher or maybe geneticist somehow. Graduate and Alhamdulillah still in the biologist lane.

one thing, Alhamdulillah.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Ada satu kisah

Ada satu kisah pada zaman dahulu kala, kisah dua sahabat, Ali dan Abu merantau mencari ilmu. Pada dasarnya dua sahabat ni tak pernah kenal satu sama lain pun. Kenal kenal sebab menuntut ilmu dalam bidang yang sama je. Nak dijadikan cerita lagi tinggal pulak dalam gua yang sama.

       Macam macam masalah salah faham berlaku antara Ali dan Abu ni. Abu ni emo sikit jadi si Ali pun sukalah guna alasan tu nak salahkan Abu ni apa apa. Tapikan si Abu ni suka lah burukkan Ali depan kawan kawannya yang lain cakap Ali ada masalah tak pernah kenal dunia, kejutan budaya. Ali suka mintak maaf dekat Abu ni atas sebab mungkin cara dia layan Abu mungkin menjadi punca kenapa Abu suka buruk burukkannya. Abu pulak sekali pun tak pernah mintak maaf apa apa terus dengan egonya merasakan dia betul, malaikat dunia. Ali persetankan jelah si Abu ni walaupun tahu si Abu ni suka je ambik tahu pasal dia dalam diam untuk cari modal nak mengata. Sampailah masing masing dah habis menuntut ilmu dan bawa jalan sendiri di mana mana masing masing sudah tak bertemu muka. Ali hidup bahagia, dan Abu masih lagi dengan masalah hati malahan mungkin dah makin teruk. Konklusinya, Ali lah salah sebab labelkan Abu emo dan ego. Abu kan perfect dan sentiasa betul. Apalah Ali ni.

inilah contoh cerita bengong untuk tiup habuk kat blog ni :)