Tuesday, November 20, 2012

finally it come

evening people..i just back from joging..with tired and pain here and there because didn't exercised for so long time already..all of sudden,something pop out from my mind where it told me to share my tired feeling with you all..ehmmm..
tired that i had waited for such a long time to come already came out to show itself..seriously i felt like to burst out my tears..but i cant do that..A MAN TEARS WERE SUCH A MOST VALUES THINGS TO KEEP.. now its already time for me to move on..just let it go..to think that i already tried my best..i'm very sorry for many silly things that i have done..i will let you go silently..

need to made up my mind.. a big YESSS
need to realize myself..  a big YESS
need to made up myself.. a big YESS
need to wake from this daydreaming.. a big YESS

Saturday, November 17, 2012

i just can do nothing:/

today gaza been attacked..i just do nothing..yesterday gaza also been attacked..i still do nothing..one day before gaza underr attacked..i just just know with doing nothing..
oh Allah..i'm seriously under guilty for can just do nothing to my brothers n sisters at palestine..i'm hope that you will protect them as well as give them a strength to fight back those ISRAEL LAKNATULLAH..amin ya rabbal a'lamin...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1 muharam

Satu Muharram Detik Permulaan
Perkiraan Tahun Islam Hijrah
Perpindahan Nabi dan Umat Islam
Dari Kota Makkah ke Kota Madinah

Atas Keyakinan dan Iman Yang Teguh
Kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar Bersatu
Rela Berkorban Harta dan Nyawa
Demi Menegakkan Islam Tercinta

Hijrah Itu Pengorbanan
Hijrah Itu Perjuangan
Hijrah Itu Persaudaraan
Hijrah Membentuk Perpaduan

Oleh Itu Mari Semua
Kita Sambut Maal Hijrah
Tingkatkan Semangat Tegakkan Syiar Islam
Untuk Sepanjang Zaman

Lirik Lagu Maal Hijrah 1 Muharram

 Assalamualaikum anda2..serius tipu kalau hampa semua ckp yg hampa x tau lagu ni.ni lagu time kita kecik2 dulu dok main kt radio kalau masok ja 1 muharram.sekarang ni pon aku rasa rindu pula nk dgr lagu ni.satgi pandai2 la aq cari.yang penting aku nk ucapkan kat hampa semua SALAM 1 MUHARRAM..SALAM MAAL HIJRAH..SALAM TAHUN BARU ISLAM..kejap ja skrg masa berlalu kalu kita rasakan betul2 (kalau rasa panjang tu nmpak sgt setiap hari dok tidoq ja keja).masing2 lar kita peringat diri yg masa mmg x tggu kita.kita yg kena kejar masa.byk sebenarnya benda yg kita kena buat cuma kita x buat ja.pikiaq2 lah.selamat beramal:)
BERTAUBAT!!!sudahkah belum kita lakukan.ehm..

Monday, November 12, 2012

happy belated EidAdha

actually i didnt need to say much..because it such a late already..but then just happy belated EidAdha..sorry for late..its my bad:')hope uguys enjoy this #JelajahHaji video

Sunday, November 11, 2012


im just waiting & waiting..dont know if it just the same to that person..ehm..
im trying to be tired on waiting..but then the tired feeling just didn't come yet..ehmmm

the new beginning(tone of life)

asalamulaikum..its been a while already since my last update on this blog..so that im here again todays just to let all of you to know that i'll change the concept of this blog..just maybe before this it is more focusing on informative only..but then since what happen in my life also make me learn so many things..thats what makes me wanna share its with ur guys..this is actually what im trying to express with that title of "the new beginning" is..so that the concept would be informative + story + experiences = tone of life..hope u guys will looks forward to it..:)